So as most of you know we have been working non-stop on up-dating our main bathroom. If you recall the plethora of wallpaper I wrote about here. Well, we had very little budget to update the bathroom, so it was all hands on deck. I removed the wall paper on one wall and my dad came over and mudded that wall. I tried to remove the wall paper on the opposite wall and it was not budging. So, we just mudded right over it. It actually was an easy project and the whole bucket of mud only cost $7! We still have quite a bit left.
Then we added the bead board…
One sheet of bead board cut in half…$20
3 boards cut for wainscoting…$30
This was a fairly easy project too, with my dad’s help of course! We actually measured correctly the first time and all our cuts fit perfectly! That has never happened to us!
I went through about 50 colors of grey (who knew there were even that many!) I got sick of paying for paint samples, so I went to the store, picked one and bought a gallon! We ended up with Grey Owl by Benjamin Moore and I love it! I had it mixed into Ace Hardware’s brand of primer/paint in one. Covered like a dream and looks awesome!
Paint… $20
Bought this awesome shower curtain from West Elm…
My biggest challenge was matching this tile.
It is not my favorite color and I really wanted to do a fun yellow accent, but I knew if I did I would be so antsy to remove the tile (which was not in the budget!) So I decided to embrace it.
I bought a can of Anne Sloan Chalk Paint and painted the vanity. I will post details about that next week
Chalk Paint…$40
And now for the dramatic update… Drum Roll please….
(Sorry, this was the only before picture I could find.)
It is very hard to take pictures in the bathroom. You can’t see the wall color very well, but trust me, it is beautiful! The total reno cost $157! Not to shabby for a big transformation!
So, what do you think? We love it and we love the fact that it is DONE! The main stuff anyways. Now is the fun part and I get to add the fun decorative stuff. I will show you when I get it decorated.
Check back next week for details on painting with the Anne Sloan Chalk Paint and hopefully decorations for the bathroom!
Have a great week!