Well, it is only Monday and I need the weekend to be here already. We had quite a busy weekend around here. On Friday night we took the boys to the rodeo in Cave Creek and they LOVED it! Every time a cow got roped, Broden would ask if he was dead and start to cry. It was so sweet. He was happy to see that every one of them got up and trotted out the gate.
On Saturday my dad and brother came over and we tackled painting the living room, dining room and hallway in 4 hours! I had to sit and rest a lot because I was having contractions, but my wonderful hubby, dad and brother were super stars! It was dark when everything was put back together so I will post pictures another day.
There was one wall I was able to get some pictures of. This is the entry wall before…
Sorry for the crazy light reflecting. We needed a lamp and I didn’t realize it did that until I uploaded it. I will post better pictures soon
On Sunday after church, my wonderful hubby finished all the trim while the boys slept and I went to a baby shower for Adrianne from Dream Book Design! I had so much fun praying for her sweet baby boy coming (we are due two weeks apart!) and showering her with love! I got home and got my painting clothes on and tackled a few things.
This is a vanity a friend of mine bought from me and asked me to paint for her. I fell in love with it and wish I could keep it!
I also tackled a dining room table and my buffet that my parents gave us.
Sorry for the bad pictures. It was late and the lighting was awful.
We have dear family friends coming into town this week and we are so excited they will be here celebrating Easter with us. This is a very special holiday to us and it usually gets skipped over pretty quickly. We really want to cherish this time as a family and focus on celebrating Jesus. It is also my husbands birthday coming up soon so we have lots of celebrating to do!
We hope you have a great week and a happy Easter!